Google Ads Quality Score

The Google Ads Quality Score is the number one ranking factor for the success of your PPC campaign.

The Best Google Ads Agencies focus their efforts on trying to get the highest quality score possible.

The performance of your pay-per-click advertising campaigns is measured on the relevance and quality of the ad groups.

In our PPC quality score guide you will learn everything from what is a quality score, how is the ads quality score calculated and how much you can save by improving your google ad rank quality score.

What is Google Ads Quality Score?

The Google Ads Quality Score is a measure of the quality, relevance, and performance of the PPC ads.

The Quality Score is a rating that looks at the overall relevance of keywords, ads, the landing page and landing page experience. It is measured using a scale of 1-10, with 1 being the lowest and 10 being the highest.

In your pay-per-click campaigns, the Quality Score affects:

  • The position of your ads
  • The cost associated with your ads

The PPC Google Ads Quality Score has a major impact on your pay-per-click campaign success and profitability.

Quality Score Begins with Keywords

Keyword Research is the foundation of a successful PPC campaign.

Some great keyword research tools to use are ahrefs and semrush.

But if you are wondering “How do I find my Quality Score keywords?” then look no further than the Google Keyword Planner.

Sign in to your Google Ads accounts, select the relevant ad group and load in relevant keywords from the keyword planner tool.

Another great source for keyword research is Google Search Console to extract all the popular keywords for your website.

Google Search Console can highlight which keywords drive the most traffic and conversions, so you can focus your PPC efforts on those areas first, without making guesses based on third party tools data.

Keyword Clustering to Improve Quality Score

The best way to group your keywords for an optimised Google Ads campaign structure is using Keyword Cupid.

All the keywords in an ad group should share the same query intent and the keyword grouping into ad groups can make or break your PPC campaigns.

You can’t create a unique ad and landing page for every single keyword for your brand. Similar to SEO where you split out pages based on search intent, then it is the same practice with ad groups for your PPC efforts.

The solution is to group your keywords by intent so you have small manageable keyword groups.

Targeted small keyword groups allow you to write a targeted ad and landing page for each group.

Keyword Cupid simplifies the keyword grouping process with Quality Score tools that suggest segments based on a relevance algorithm. The keyword clustering saves hours of manually trying to group relevant keywords into targeted ad campaigns.

Adding Negative Keywords to Improve Quality Score

Exclude irrelevant search terms that are wasting your budget.

By adding negative keywords to your ad groups it removes all key phrases that might have been affecting your group of keywords.

The best PPC specialists continuously research, identify and exclude irrelevant keywords that are damaging your pay per click strategies.

Write Effective Google Ads Copy

Using the right keywords in your ads copy catches the eyes of the users and increase click-through rates.

The CTR improves your Quality Score so you can get more exposure at cheaper costs.

Writing high-quality ads copy is important in the following areas:

  • Title of the ads copy
  • Description of the ads copy
  • Extensions of the ads copy

How quality score and ad rank are calculated?

The quality score is rated on the relevance of both your keywords and PPC ads.

The ad rank is calculated by Max CPC Bid Vs Quality.

quality score and ad rank are calculated

The ad rank score is used to determine your cost per click (CPC) in the ad auction process as per the image below.

how quality scores and ad ranks are calculated

How do I improve my quality score?

Here are the main areas to improve the PPC quality score performance.

  1. Making ads more relevant to keywords
  2. Improve your clickthrough rate (CTR)
  3. Create a landing page to match search query intent
  4. Ad formats and dynamic headlines
  5. Include as many relevant ad extensions as possible
  6. Use negative keywords
  7. Improve site speed
  8. Cluster keywords into dedicated ad groups

Does Quality Score affect CPC?

The quality score on your PPC account directly affects your cost per click.

Increasing your PPC Quality Score can have your ads show more often, increase your position, and decrease your CPC.

Does Quality Score affect CPC

How does increasing Quality Scores tend to impact CTR?

As your Google Ads Quality Score goes up you get shown in a higher ad position which means your CTR rate increases.

The click-through rate increases the higher your ad position so looking at ways to improve your quality score indirectly impacts your CTR rate.

As the CTR improves it means overall clicks for your campaign should go up and generate more conversions.

Benefits of Improving Google Quality Score

The Google Ads Quality Score has a direct correlation to your success in Paid Ads campaigns.

By improving your Quality Scores, you’ll be setting yourself up for a higher return on investment (ROI).

Higher Quality Scores correlate with a lower cost per conversion.

With higher ad rankings and lower costs to convert your paid ads the financial benefits are huge.

Popular Questions

How often is Google Quality Score?

Every time someone does a Google search that triggers a PPC quality score to be calculated.

In real-time Google can determine what you are paying per click using statistical historical data.

Every query searched in Google search engines calculates a quality score based on keywords, ad copy, landing page and CTR metrics.

What is a low PPC Quality Score?

A low-quality score on Google Ads is scoring less than 7.

All of the best PPC experts increase quality scores and strive to be scoring 9 or 10 out of 10.

CTR is a good indicator of performance and if your ads have a low click through rates it is highlighting to Google Ads Platform your ad is irrelevant to their query.

If you are scoring less than 7 on the PPC quality score, then look to improve the relevance, ad copy and landing page.


The PPC Quality Scores have enormous influence over the cost and effectiveness of your paid search campaigns.

The main advantages of higher quality scores are higher ad rankings and lower costs.

The Google Ads Quality Score depends on several factors, related to your ad relevance score:

  • The relevance of your ad to the keyword
  • The relevance of your ad to your landing page
  • The historical performance of your account
  • The click-through rate of your ad

The relevance is key so the user has a positive experience and the quality score is based on the likelihood of the user liking your ads.

Pay Per Click Tips

Here is the full list of online PPC tips: