Ridgefield Accountants Review

Ridgefield Accountants understands how tough it could be to choose a professional company with efficient service when many local and nationwide possibilities exist to help their client’s companies grow.

Ridgefield Consulting is an Oxford-based independent business of chartered accountants. They provide dependable and effective tax advising and accounting services. They place a premium on delivering stress-free business support, tax clarity, and legal solutions to help you achieve your goals.

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Learn more about how hugely helpful a local accountancy firm and its strategic planning ideas are to other company owners and their company accounts in this Ridgefield Accountants review.

Ridgefield Accountants Overview

Clients of Ridgefield Accountants frequently seek personalised guidance on how to effectively structure their business to take advantage of available tax relief opportunities or avoid huge tax penalties when withdrawing funds from the company for personal purposes.

If you find yourself in a similar situation, they will gladly assist you.

Services Offered By Ridgefield Accountants

Ridgefield Accountants offers the following services:

Tax Management

Since UK tax rules are unquestionably complex, you need to be able to rely on the proper individuals to not only read HMRC standards but also keep up with the most recent developments.

Ridgefield Accountants’ skilled team of accountants can assist you in understanding your tax situation by navigating through your unique circumstances.

Self Assessment Tax Returns

Individuals in the United Kingdom are responsible for paying the correct amount of tax to Her Majesty’s Revenue and Customs (HMRC). This is done by filing a self-assessment tax return, a personal tax return, or a legal requirement.

Since 2010, Ridgefield Consulting, an independent firm of Chartered Accountants based in Oxford, has provided a comprehensive and high-quality self-assessment tax return service.

Company Tax Return

Every year, all limited liability corporations must file a corporate tax return. It can be the most dreaded time of year for some, but it doesn’t have to be, and it shouldn’t be so burdensome that it causes company disruption.

In most situations, a company tax return (also known as the CT600) must be filed 12 months following the end of your accounting period.

Payment for your corporation tax, on the other hand, is due nine months and one day after the end of your accounting period. Therefore it must be paid before filing.

If this sounds complicated, don’t worry: with Ridgefield Accountants’ company tax return service, you’ll always have a reliable accountant to keep you on track.

VAT Return

Whether single traders or limited companies, VAT-registered businesses must regularly submit VAT returns and payments to HMRC. From registering to submitting and paying VAT, there are rigorous deadlines.

Failure to complete any of these on time or precisely might result in hefty penalties, which can be intimidating for many.

However, hiring Ridgefield Accountants’ VAT return service can provide you peace of mind that everything will be taken care of, but it can also help you maximise your cash flow.

Entrepreneurs’ Relief

When a firm, part of a business, or commercial assets are sold or gifted, Entrepreneurs’ Relief is a valuable tax relief plan that allows for a decrease in capital gains tax (CGT).

Higher-rate and additional-rate taxpayers benefit from ER since it allows them to take advantage of the lower 10% CGT rate on gains on eligible dispositions.

Personal Tax Planning and Advice

Personal tax planning is a good option for people who want to organise their tax obligations in the long run. Ridgefield’s tax planning service provides strategic advice on minimising and reducing future tax bills while also protecting wealth.

Inheritance Tax Planning

Inheritance tax planning is critical for planning for the future, safeguarding income acquired over a lifetime for future generations and loved ones, and minimising the tax your beneficiaries will pay on your estate.

Tax Investigation Protection Policy

When HMRC decides to evaluate your personal or corporate tax affairs to ensure that you have paid the correct amount of tax, this is known as a tax inquiry.

A professional department committed to discovering fraudulent or tax avoidance actions conducts the investigations.

Every year, they set a higher goal for bringing criminal charges against violators, which is why many people receive notices that their tax issues are being scrutinised.

It is critical to obtain professional assistance when this occurs, such as from a chartered accountant who can assist you with your case. This work comes with an additional cost, which can quickly add up to thousands of pounds.

Accounting Support

Administrative matters are just as crucial to the success of your business as day-to-day operations, from proper bookkeeping to the timely completion of your statutory accounts.

Ridgefield will support you behind the scenes, so you can worry less and focus more on reaching your goals.

Statutory Accounts Preparation

You must file statutory yearly accounts as part of running a limited business. Since the two are typically presented together and are based on comparable information from your business’s financial reports, they are frequently mistaken.

However, the two are unique and must be done as part of your legal responsibilities as a business director.


Bookkeeping is not only a legal obligation (all businesses must keep financial records in sufficient detail for six years), but it also allows you to manage your cash flow better and know exactly how much money you are producing.

All cash purchase vouchers and receipts, invoices for business expenditures such as utility bills, credit card statements, paying-in book and cheque book stubs, payroll records, and VAT records.

The better organised these are, the easier it will be to keep track of them. As part of Making Tax Digital, remember that you’ll soon be compelled to utilise Cloud Accounting to retain digital records of your expenses and earnings.

By keeping accurate records of every money entering and exiting your business, you can make informed judgments about where you might need to cut costs or increase profits, eventually improving your company.

Keeping track of all the paperwork, though, can be difficult. Outsourcing your bookkeeping to an accountant allows you to focus more time on running your business while ensuring that your accounts are always accurate.

Management Accounts

Unlike annual statutory accounts, management accounts are not required for limited firms. However, Ridgefield still advises all limited company business owners as a valuable and instructive tool.

Regular management accounts will help you better understand your business’s performance and gain control over its finances.

Due Diligence for Mergers and Acquisition

Whether you’re selling or purchasing a business, due diligence is an essential aspect of the process and may make or break a deal, so having professional help is critical.

Business Essentials

Ridgefield is personable and straightforward to work with regardless of the size or stage of your business, whether you’re just starting and need to set up your first limited company or are well-established and need an audit.

Setting up a new company

Setting up a limited company is the beginning of an exciting new business, but it may also be intimidating due to the required work and planning.

As part of running your own business, you’ll quickly discover that you’ll have continuous and regular legal requirements to meet to avoid fines, penalties, or – in the worst-case scenario – being struck off as a company director.

Company Secretarial

Company secretarial is frequently overlooked, although it is a critical component of your total company compliance duties.

Unless your articles of an organisation expressly state otherwise, there is no legal necessity to choose a specific individual as your company secretary as of April 6, 2008.

However, company secretarial duties are still required. It is essential to ensure that your company secretarial is appropriately managed, as failure to do so might have significant consequences.

These can range from substantial fines to more severe penalties such as being struck off the company records or disqualified as a business director.


Since your employees are crucial to your company’s success, you may discover that keeping track of their payroll is one of the most challenging components of running a business.

Ridgefield’s payroll service can save you time and provide you peace of mind that everything is in good hands.

Whether you’re a tiny business without a need for an accounts department or a larger company unsure how to manage someone in-house, outsourcing your payroll to an accountant provides you with flexible help that meets your company’s demands at a low cost.


Your business may require an audit as it grows and achieves success. The audit process does not have to be onerous, and there are benefits to be gained from it.

The UK’s premier accountancy companies have educated Ridgefield Consulting’s auditors, so you can rest assured that you’re getting the most excellent technical service at the best price.

Ridgefield Accountants Contact Details

Have a question or want to learn more? Ridgefield’s accountants are always willing to talk about how they might assist. Please get in touch with them directly via phone or email.

  • Phone: 01865 24 55 11
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Address: Ridgefield Consulting, 2 Hinksey Court, Church Way, Oxford, OX2 9SX

They strive to react as soon as possible. However, their office hours are Monday through Thursday, 9:00 AM to 5:00 PM, and Friday, 9:00 AM to 4:45 PM. On weekends and holidays, they are closed.

Ridgefield Accountants Reviews

You can read below what one of Ridgefield’s clients has to say about them:

Ridgefield Consulting has allowed me to build my business without having to devote a significant amount of time to management, allowing me to focus on what I do best. – Reuben Diffey, Managing Director Property Formula


The Ridgefield team has accumulated a wealth of expertise and specialist knowledge on how to support their individual needs for R&D tax credits, grant applications and management, SEIS, EIS, and EMI share schemes over the years of dealing with a rising number of small to medium-sized start-ups.

To sum up this Ridgefield Accountants review, they understand the intensity and focus required to get creative ideas off the ground. They can relieve some of the burdens by handling the complexities of HMRC compliance.

Full List Of Oxford Accountant Companies

We have compiled a list of Oxford accountant companies below: