Jason Barnard

Jason Barnard is an online entrepreneur who runs a brand SERP course.


In the mid 1980s Jason went to university in Liverpool and graduated in Economics with a specialization in statistical analysis.

He then moved to Paris, worked briefly as a teacher, then made a living playing double bass with a folk punk band called The Barking Dogs. That lasted eight years, and then the band split.

And then Jason Barnard got into SEO. Here’s how.

He launched his first website in 1998 which is the same year Google was incorporated. So been optimizing content for Google since the very beginning, and they kind of grew up together.

That first website was UpToTen and he grew it to 5 million visits a month. Over 20% of those visits were organic from Google. That’s more than a million visits a month just from Google for a site for kids aged up to 10 years old.

How Jason Got Into Brand SERPs

In 2013 Jason got curious to see if he could control what Google shows when someone searches a name.

Like all good scientists. He started experimenting on myself. The personal brand SERP was a simple list of blue links and it contained references to a mixture of some of the 250 Jason Barnards around the world. Principally him, a footballer, a dentist, and a podcaster.

Step one of the experiment was to make all references to Jason Barnard SERP positive and accurate. That was reasonably easy, but threw up some interesting tricks that learned.

Step two was to really dominate page one so that he owned the Brand SERP. He had to use quite a few of the SEO tips and tricks he had learned over the previous 15 years. Plus he learned some new ones along the way.

Step three was triggering SERP features (rich elements). He triggered an optimized quite a few for my own SERP – knowledge panel, Twitter boxes, video boxes, image boxes, related searches, podcasts… and today the SERP looks sexy and convincing.


That experiment got Jason quite a few clients – companies who want their brand SERPs to look as positive, accurate, and convincing as his.

That corporate work has allowed him to expand his skill set and learn to trigger and optimize more rich elements.

And it also taught him to deal with negative results such as bad articles, bad reviews, and vitriolic forums.

In 2019 he decided to make this course and teach other marketers like you to master brand SERPs.

All SEO Individuals

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The top-rated SEO individual reviews were updated in May 2024.