The Ultimate Guide to Debt Managers Services Ltd

Have you been contacted by Debt Managers Services LTD? And you are wondering who they are? Why are they contacting you? And what you should do next? Our ultimate guide to Debt Managers Services has all the answers you are looking for.

We know how stressful it is to be behind on any payment; that’s why our guide is packed with important legal and financial advice to help you get through this turbulent time.

Not only this, but speaking to one of our financial and legal advisors will ease your mind and can write up to 85% of your debts.

Just click on the link and fill in the contact form for one of the team to get back to you.

Did You Know You Can Write Off Up To 85% Of Your Debts?

Do I Qualify?

Who are Debt Managers Services?

Debt Managers Services Ltd is a debt collection agency. They are authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority under the Consumer Credit Act 1974 (amended 2006).

Debt Managers Services can be found on the companies house here

It is important to ensure that the company that gets in contact with you is currently a registered company on the Companies House website. 

On their website, they pride themselves on wanting to help the debtor, to take some positive action to help improve circumstances.

They are registered in England and Wales.

They employ between 201-500 employees.

Where are Debt Managers Services?

They have a registered office in Debt Managers (Services) Ltd The Heriot Building Dodds Close Rotherham S60 1BX.

How do I get in contact?

Are they a legitimate company

Yes, they are a legitimate company. They are authorised and regulated by the Financial Conduct Authority and are registered on the Companies House.

What Rights Do I Have?

  • You have a right to see their ID and make a note of it. Every debt collector should carry an ID.
  • You have a right NOT to open the door; they are not bailiffs and do NOT have a warrant to search your home.
  • You have the right to ask them to leave the premises if you feel uncomfortable speaking face to face.
  • You have the right to request to speak to the debt collectors on the phone or in writing (the best thing would be to send a letter or email, so there is written correspondence)

What Debt Managers Services Can And Can’t Do

Debt Managers Services can:

  • Visit you at home
  • Discreetly and confidentially talk to you about the debt
  • Set up a monthly paying arrangement
  • Ask you a payment

Debt Managers Services Cannot:

  • Visit you at your workplace
  • Act in a threatening or intimidating way or cause a disturbance
  • Force their way into your house OR refuse to leave
  • Take any of your belongings or clamp your vehicle
  • Impersonating an enforcement officer or bailiff (this is actually illegal)
  • Speak to neighbours, family, colleagues or friends regarding the debt

What Are The Next Steps?

If you don’t think you owe the debt or it has been given to you in error. Gather any correspondence you have had with the creditor, this includes all letters and emails. Also try and get any bank statements that prove that you have paid the creditor. This can be used as evidence if it gets taken to court.

Write to the creditor regarding the debt and ask them to prove the debt is in fact yours. If they can’t or refuse to prove it, you may not have to pay.

If they can prove it or you are sure the debt is yours, contact the debt collector to start a monthly payment if you can afford it.

HOWEVER, the first thing to do is contact our friendly and understanding team for knowledgeable financial and legal advice.

List of Debt Collection Agencies UK

Here is a list of all the debt collectors in the UK.