The Ultimate Guide to Vodafone Debt Collection

Have you had trouble affording extortionate prices for your phone bill? If so, there is a high possibility that you owe money. Owing money then leads to being chased up by debt collection companies.

Being chased by a debt collection company can be a scary, anxiety-inducing issue.

This ultimate guide informs you of everything you need to know, in case this happens to you.

Did You Know You Can Write Off Up To 85% Of Your Debts?

Do I Qualify?

What will happen if I don’t pay my Vodafone bill?

If you miss one payment it should be okay for a while until you begin to not pay repeatedly- at this point, Vodafone will break off your number and you will not be able to make or receive calls and texts, as well as usage of data, will be prohibited.

It is still okay to pay at the point of limited ability to use phone calls, texts, and mobile data! Your bill could potentially have some late paying fees added one, however, nothing major (and it’s better than being chased for a massive debt)

If you continue to ignore this and do not pay, then it begins to get tricky. Vodafone is incredibly likely to cut off your contact and the chase begins…

The debt company begins to be involved.

Without paying your debt, you should expect to receive calls from numbers like 01415704152. There have been reports of debt collecting calls from this particular number, therefore, you should keep a look out.

I can’t pay my bill, I don’t know what to do?

Contact Vodafone. Getting in touch with the company is the best thing to do as they will have to listen and try to understand your reasoning as to why you can not/have not paid.

Getting in touch with a debt charity could also be a good idea as they can advise you well.

Debt Charities to get in touch with:

  • Step Change
  • National Debtline
  • Business Debtline
  • Citizens Advice Bureau
  • Debt Support Trust Management
  • The Debt Advice Foundation
  • Christians Against Poverty

Potentially, talking to a debt charity or discussing your situation with the company itself, you could come to a payment plan agreement. This could be very helpful and could allow you back on your feet quicker and smoother.

Contacting Vodafone and organising a repayment plan with them could prevent the further hassle of repetitive phone calls and feeling harassed.

How do I contact Vodafone?

You can contact Vodafone through their website in the chat to an assistant service.

Otherwise, there are separate contact details that you can use.

Contact Info:

  • Phone 0333 304 0191
  • Website
  • Address The Connection, Newbury, RG14 2FN (Head Quarters)
  • Email [email protected]

What happens when the debt company contacts me?

If you take too long to contact Vodafone back about your debt and organising a way to sort it out, it will then be out of their hands and into the hands of a debt collection company.

Some companies that are known to collect for Vodafone:

  • CCS Collect
  • Lowell Portfolio Ltd
  • Zinc

If you receive a phone call, email, or letter from any of these companies and you are aware of your debt from Vodafone, there is almost every chance they will be contacting you about collecting your money.

If it has reached the point of a debt collection company contacting you, be prepared to be harassed through calls, emails, and letters constantly.

If you continue to ignore these calls, they could turn up to your house or possibly even take you to court.

The faster you reply, the faster the debt is resolved.

List of Debt Collection Agencies UK

Here is a list of all the debt collectors in the UK.