The Ultimate Guide to Mortimer Clarke Solicitors

If you are reading this it is most likely you have had a worrying or letter from Mortimer Clarke Solicitors demanding money. And now you are wondering who they are, why they’re contacting you and what your next step is.

Our ultimate guide to Mortimer Clarke Solicitors has all the information you’re looking for.

We know how upsetting and stressful it can be to be behind on any payment, that’s why our guide will give you the financial and imperative legal advice to help you get through this tough time.

Want to speak to one of our knowledgable debt advisors for advice? It’s as easy as filling in this contact form and they will give you a call back as soon as they can.

Did You Know You Can Write Off Up To 85% Of Your Debts?

Do I Qualify?

This could potentially write up to 85% of your debts.

If you’ve received a letter or had a phone call regarding debt, and it’s come out the blue and taken you by surprise.

Knowing who you’re dealing with and what position you are in, is the best way of dealing with debt. Read ahead to find out all the important information.

Who are Mortimer Clarke Solicitors and what do they do?

Mortimer Clarke Solicitors are a law firm that provides litigating services.

They have been in the business for 12 years as specialists in debt recovery litigation and won the CCS Awards in 2019 for Best Legal Service Provider.

They provide litigation services to their clients who are normally companies that you may have become indebted to.

This could be your bank, energy or utility company, a finance company. Because a lot of these companies do not have the time or power to chase people for payments, they get companies like Mortimer Clarke involved.

They are based in West Sussex, and their headquarters are in Worthing.

They are part of the Cabot Credit Management Group, which own six businesses around the UK.

If Mortimer Clarke Solicitors purchase your debt, you will probably get a phone call from one of their agents and a letter to your home address.

The letter is the most important as it will outline what you owe, along with any charges and penalties they may have added.

Also please write down notes from the phone call so you do not forget what is discussed in the conversation. Mortimer Clarke Solicitors a lot of the time will want the payment or at least a partial payment paid or Direct Debit instated as soon as possible.

So if you have the funds available or available after payday please ring them and get this paid or a Direct Debit set up to collect money.

What will happen if I ignore Mortimer Clarke Solicitors

Unfortunately, they won’t just stop bothering you. The next steps of the process will be in the letter (so read carefully) majority of the time they will:

  • There will be more phone calls, texts and emails.
  • Visit your home and knock at the door
  • A County Court Judgement (CCJ) will be issued by Mortimer Clarke Solicitors if they are not contacted or you do not repay the debt.
  • A threat of bankruptcy (usually if the debt is over £750)

These letters are standard communication from debt collection parties, so please don’t be offended and take it to heart.

If Mortimer Clarke Solicitors have contacted you, please contact them immediately as they will try and help you as much as they can.

Are Mortimer Clarke Solicitors a legitimate company

Yes, Mortimer Clarke Solicitors are a legitimate company and it is not wise to ignore them.

So if you do get contacted please get back to them as stated before they will keep persisting.

But if you do feel unsure you can talk to a finance specialist about it.

Is there is anything Mortimer Clarke Solicitors can’t do?

Mortimer Clarke Solicitors like all debt collection agencies are required to act in accordance with the Financial Conduct Authority. In doing this they have to

  • They can’t threaten legal action if it is unlikely to materialise
  • They can’t send that look like court documents or forms.
  • They cant pretend to have legal powers they don’t possess (e.g. send bailiffs when they don’t have a court order)
  •  They can’t chase you for payment when your debt is being managed via a Trust Deed Scotland or IVA (Individual Voluntary Arrangement).

Also, they are expected to sign up to the code of conduct, which means they don’t just sign up but agree to the “spirit” of the code this means they cannot.

  • Call at unreasonable times
  • Contact you in a way that doesn’t meet the preferences that you’ve already agreed on
  • Call you at work without permission, or if you’ve asked them to stop
  • Discuss your debt with others
  • Take payments without your permission
  • Refuse to give you time to consider your options after you’ve contacted them or a debt advice agency for help
  • Pressure you into paying debt off by borrowing more money
  • Use language you don’t understand e.g legal jargon or technical language
  • Demand payment when a statue is barred, that is the debt is now considered too old to collect.

I have a debt letter from Mortimer Clarke Solicitors what do I do?

First of all, make sure you owe the debt (you don’t want to pay a debt that you don’t even owe) a check or Experian or another credit check app to see if you have any outstanding debts.

Mortimer and Clarke (and every other debt collection) need to prove that the debt is yours, if they can’t prove it they have to say it’s been settled.

Write them an email or letter (email is better as there is a paper trail) and ask for proof.

But don’t sign the letter, only print your name as this can give the company the opportunity to reconstitute the document.

Check the debt is not statute-barred, this means some debts have a time limit and this is according to the Limitation Act 1980, the clock starts running after you’ve made the last payment.

If no payment has been made in five or six years (it will depend on the limitation period) and if the creditor has not issued a CCJ, you may not have to pay but this depends on the amount.

There is a letter from Mortimer Clarke Solicitors for the Old Tenants/Homeowners what do I do?

Get in touch with Mortimer Clarke Solicitors and let them know the debt is not for you and is for the people who used to live there.

The company should amend their details (although they may ask for evidence first) you contract or mortgage papers should be efficient.

I can pay Mortimer Clarke Solicitors, should I?

Yes. If you can pay them and you have made sure the debt is yours and it is less than six years old.

And you have spoken to a debt advice agency and they have advised you too.

Then go ahead and pay, this will stop calls, notifications and letters.

This will also stop the potential of furthermore severe actions, e.g Bailiffs and/or court action.

List of Debt Collection Agencies UK

Here is a list of all the debt collectors in the UK.