The Ultimate Guide to Scott and Co

Have you gotten a letter from a Scott County Sheriff informing you that they would be visiting your home to inquire about your council tax? Do you require guidance and assistance in dealing with Scott and his associates? Are they pursuing you for back taxes, business rates, or overpayments of benefits?

Did You Know You Can Write Off Up To 85% Of Your Debts?

Do I Qualify?

Don’t worry, you’ll learn all you need to know about dealing with Scott and Co, including what to do if a Scott and Co representative or Sheriff officers show up at your door in this Ultimate Guide to Scott and Co.

Who are Scott and Co?

After looking up the company, their website said that Scott & Co is a conventional Scottish partnership that was founded in 1992 to provide debt collection, enforcement with diligence, and citation services as a credit services association. Based on its great service reputation as debt collectors, sophisticated technological platform, technical skills, and extensive network of service offices throughout Scotland, it grew fast via acquisition and organic expansion.

Their previous projects and partnerships show that they work with federal, state, and municipal government agencies, as well as the legal profession and private sector clients. Scott & Co, Scotland’s largest employment of Sheriffs, is based in Edinburgh and specialises in debt collection and enforcement.

They employ the most Sheriff Officers and Messengers-at-Arms in Scotland. They were acquired by the Marstons Group in 2015. The largest Sheriff firm in the United Kingdom. It is the individual Sheriff Officers and Messenger at Arms that are authorised by the Courts to implement their orders, not Scott and Co.

It’s also worth noting that they function under the authority of the Court, thus obstructing their work might result in you being held in contempt of court. This is a serious offence that can result in a fine or, in the worst-case scenario, a jail sentence. Scott and Co are experts in the collection of council tax debt, penalty charge letters, and non-domestic rates in Swindon and the surrounding areas.

They work with both consumer and business debt and give services to both the public and private sectors.

How do I get in contact with Scott and Co?

  • Their Head Office:  9 Melville Crescent Edinburgh, EH3 7L
  • Registered Office: 9 Melville Crescent Edinburgh, EH3 7LZ
  • Telephone: 0333 320 6820
  • Email: [email protected]
  • Company Registered Number: SO305258

Are they a legitimate company?

Yes, Scott and Co is a legitimate company. The company is registered in Scotland as a limited liability partnership with the registration number SO305258.

Why are Scott and Co Contacting Me?

Scott and Co is a debt collecting company that works with many private companies and members of the public sector. If a Scott and Co representative is contacting you, this means that they have been asked to retrieve the money that you owe.

Scott and Co can be asked to collect privately loaned money but they can also be contracted by the government to collect a council tax debt.

What Are My Next Steps?

Before you are contacted by Scott and Co, the first thing to do is to recall if you owe money anywhere or if you have broken the terms and conditions of any agreement that may have caused the call, especially like missing repayments. If you have any missed payments on council taxes, the collection will come with a notice reminding you to pay the tax within seven days. You have the option to pay the missed taxes in instalment payments as a debt arrangement scheme.

After the notice, the next step is to receive a letter asking you to pay the owed money or tax within the next fourteen days. This time, the option to pay in instalment is no longer available.

If the bill or the tax is still unpaid after the second letter, the local council can then communicate with Sheriff Officers from the Sheriff Court to issue a summary warrant. If the summary warrant that serves as the pay order is issued, they can then pass the debt and the collection to Scott and Co.

Once Scott and Co are handling the collection, you can stop any further action simply by paying the tax or the debt you owe. You can pay the debt upfront or you can communicate with Scott and Co to agree upon a repayment plan. The repayment plan can include earnings arrestment.

To discover an appropriate arrangement plan, we propose that you contact Scott & Co directly. If you do not comply, you will be given 14 days to pay the whole sum, as well as a ‘charge for payment’ from the council. If you still haven’t paid, the council will be allowed to employ diligence. Diligence is also known as enforcement action, which gives Scott and his team more authority. Sheriff officers like Scott & Co. will be allowed to take money from your pay-check, bank account, or even your property. The council can also go to the Sheriff Court and ask for a ‘Exceptional Attachment Order.’ You may be unable to sell your land, property, or company as a result of this.

What Can Scott and Co Do?

As an integral part of this Ultimate Guide, read through the things that Scott and Co can and cannot do.

Scott and Co Can:

  • Between the hours of 8 a.m. and 9 p.m., call me at home or at work (unless you ask them to stop)
  • Write you or send you letters about the debt and how to set up a payment plan.
  • They are not permitted to come in uninvited and do not have the authority to steal anything from you if they visit you at home (doorstop visits).
  • They are requesting that you make a payment to them.

Scott and Co Cannot:

  • Act threateningly, aggressively, and intimidatingly.
  • Make a ruckus for yourself or your family.
  • Visit you at work, take any of your things, and force their way into your house to talk about your debt with everyone who knows you, such as neighbours, acquaintances, coworkers, or relatives.
  • Assume the role of a bailiff.

List of Debt Collection Agencies UK

Here is a list of all the debt collectors in the UK.